I'm so thankful for people who can see beyond life as I see it. I'm thankful for the people who see beyond the day-to-day stuff and can see a bigger picture than I see most days as I live out the normal, day-to-day routines. I'm thankful for the random surprise notes in the post office box that say "You are making a difference" or "We're praying for you" or "God is using you". It is such a blessing and an encouragement to me to hear that. Why? Because many times it's so easy to get stuck missing the forest for the trees.
It strikes me funny sometimes the way life is. I don't even feel most of the time like I'm living in another country because it becomes so normal after a while. Someone commented to me the other month, "You have such an interesting life!" It is interesting. I can't deny it. I love living in Peru. I love my life. I love the opportunities to walk on history, squeeze on public transportation, blunder my way through a sentence in Quechua and wash bananas in jungle rivers. But I feel like most of the time, life in Peru is just...well...life with a little more spice and interesting additions than normal. Not that life is boring by any means - not in the least! But there are a lot of things that are just a part of normal life and don't feel too spectacular or glamorous or interesting. Most days just fly by in a mad rush of grading homework, teaching classes, planning lessons, making up worksheets, washing dishes, doing laundry, paying bills, trying to figure out the best way to teach my kids, making up games for school, eating lunch, trying to remember to drink enough water, doing paperwork, discussing some issue with someone, or going downtown to buy some necessary item. It's easy to get caught up in those things and miss the big-picture things, how God is moving and what God is doing through and in spite of me. Which is why I'm thankful for other people who have an outside perspective and open my eyes to see it too.
So thank you to all those who help remind me of the bigger picture, of the grand adventure I really am a part of, of the beauty of God's work that surrounds me. Thank you for those who remind and help me to look at the beauty of the forest and stop concentrating on the individual trees. And mostly, thank you to God, who is the author of it all and, in the midst of homework, schoolwork and housework, is working greater and grander things - things, like the author of Hebrews says, "not yet seen".