Friday, December 21, 2007


Many of you have been asking over the last few months when I am planning on leaving. I've been wondering the same thing. I finally have more of an answer than "I don't know for sure". I just received word from EMM this morning that I am officially approved to leave in January. The date is not completely finalized yet, but I will post that as well when I know it. I will also have a commissioning service/fellowship time on a Sunday morning in January at my church. We're working on finalizing that and more details will follow about that as well.
Blessings to all of you and may God bless your Christmas with His grace and love. Thank you for standing with me in this process.

Update: 12/23
I am planning on leaving on January 21, to get to Peru in time to process my residence paperwork in Lima with the other missionaries before I head to Cusco. I don't have plane tickets yet, but they should be coming soon, Lord willing.
My commissioning service is officially January 6 at 10 AM at Living Hope Community Church. A time of fellowship will follow the service in the church gym from 12:30-3 PM. All are invited for these events. More details will be in an email for those who are on my email list.


Anonymous said...

What a blessing it must be to finally have a date! I am so excited for you - you will be very busy preparing to leave, I am sure.
The students have been asking about you and where you will be for Christmas, etc. I am sure they will be excited to know when you are leaving. D.A. had mentioned that we should have a countdown for you once we know the date. I will have to start one for them when we go back to school!
Have a very blessed Christmas. You will be in my thoughts.


Bethany said...

I miss you guys in there too. I am still working on the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle project and am hoping to be able to bring the rest of that in and visit probably sometime next week. It will be good to see all of you again. It makes me smile to think of them wanting to have a countdown. It does feel really good to finally have a date and know what time frame I'm working with.
Give my greetings to everyone. Blessings to you in this new year and I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon.