I borrowed one of the school's cameras tonight because Luz had taken some pictures with it that I wanted to put on my computer. I saw this picture and it made me laugh because it's really a very good look at third grade at any given time. Observe carefully all that is going on in this picture and all the expressions on the kids' faces. Oh yes, they're a really distractible group. I really do enjoy them, though. So I thought I'd share the picture with you so you could see some of my students and what they are like.

Far tables from left: Shally, Caleb, Diana, Sarai, Bethany, Sharith, Jonatan, Yuli
Front table: Ibet, Lucero
They look ... like a handful. Or two. And adorable.
Wow! Doesn't look that much different from a second grade class that I know...
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