Thursday, July 29, 2010

Update on Huacarpay

It seems that God is answering prayers as far as Huacarpay is concerned.
After the flooding in Huacarpay in January, the government had promised land and houses to the residents of Huacarpay. They were very happy, until they learned that the government planned on taking away the land that they did have already. Huacarpay is a good location for the plaster business in which much of the town is employed. Plus, many of the people have significant plots of land in the town and that would be a major loss for them economically.
However, just in the past few days, I learned from my friend Juana, whose family lost their house in the flood, that the government has now retracted that statement and are planning on allowing those of the townspeople who would like to stay in their houses, to do so. This is a big answer to prayer. I am just continuing to hope and pray that the government doesn't go back on their promise and their word again. Praise God for this development!
A continued prayer request would be people's economy, which has been seriously affected by this flood and the aftermath. Families have lost crops and possessions and now are just beginning to work on rebuilding their houses with better materials which cost money. Others have lost businesses and sources of income. It is a difficult time for many families. Please continue to pray for God's provision for them during this time.
Thank you for your prayers!


Anonymous said...

Excellent updates lately, cousin. Thumbs-up! --Heather

Steve said...

Thanks for the update on Huacarpay.



Anonymous said...

Praise God for this answer!!
