Friday, August 26, 2011

I'm home!

Thank you for your prayers for traveling mercies. I had a pretty uneventful trip. My first plane was delayed about 1 1/2 hours, so I only had about 20 minutes to catch my other plane in Orlando. By the grace of God I made it and there were about 7 of us in the same position, so they held the plane. My luggage also came through fine, much to my surprise! I must say, I am jealous of people who are able to sleep in airplanes and uncomfortable airport seats. I laid on top of my luggage and got maybe a half an hour of sleep that way, but that's pretty much it.

I got home to find that my entire house is torn apart. The owner of the house is a carpenter and installed wood flooring while I was gone. However, he didn't get to fimish varnishing it before I arrived. So I'm going to go stay with some friends for about 2 days, try to clean my house on Sunday afternoon and at some point in the weekend, plan for next week. It's going to be a CRAZY first week back. But I am back home and seeing a few people again. Welcome to Peru where nothing happens quite like you think it should. :) God's grace is great.

I think that's it for now. I'll write more later, after I sleep and get my feet underneath me again.

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